This odd world
Published on June 12, 2005 By deygame In Welcome
Right from the days of yore
your birth, many a man has it troubled.
Beliefs have been held because of stories told,
wars fought and people martyred because of
disagreements over your inception.
As complex as it may seem though
to the simple and beautiful mind,
the answer lies within.

You house the unthinkable,
manage the unimaginable,
appear the most loveable;
yet in simplicity you were created,
in style you were designed,
in beauty you were adorned,
and in spirituality, unto which
existence bears it's essence,
you were enveloped.

A timeless situation will never
see technology nor hard work create
a replica of your outlook
not to talk about the air we breath.
You are but a perfect creation of a perfect Creator,
One who must be existence itself.
One who is simplicity personified.
One who by mere words rather works, you came to being.
One who must be obeyed.
One, the only One called 'The Almighty God' - Selah!

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