deygame's Articles
June 12, 2005 by deygame
Imagine love without the 'other man' Imagine a feeling without the 'other man' Imagine a situation without the 'other man' Imagine an imagination without the 'other man' Imagine a world without the 'other man' Oh how life would be without the 'other man' No man is an island they say hence the inevitability of the 'other man' For as life be worthless without breath, so be existence without the 'other man' As the mouth be worthless without the tongue, so be a speech without the pre...
June 12, 2005 by deygame
Right from the days of yore your birth, many a man has it troubled. Beliefs have been held because of stories told, wars fought and people martyred because of disagreements over your inception. As complex as it may seem though to the simple and beautiful mind, the answer lies within. You house the unthinkable, manage the unimaginable, appear the most loveable; yet in simplicity you were created, in style you were designed, in beauty you were adorned, and in spirituality, unt...